National Pancake Day

I’m sorry I haven’t been posting much lately. I have been pretty busy, I haven’t been cooking that much and then I left my camera at a friend’s house in Baltimore. But I do have exciting news: Today is National Pancake Day!

My darling husband made some pancakes two weekends ago (for National Pancake Week, which apparently does or doesn’t coincide with the day, depending on who you ask) and I will try to post those tonight. In the meantime, here are a few non-traditional pancake recipes to try: Coconut pancakes, Hoecakes and Sweet corn pancakes

And a recipe that sounds fantastic (but I haven’t tried yet): Oatmeal cookie pancakes

3 thoughts on “National Pancake Day

    1. Well, the dates for National Pancake Week vary depending on what site you look at… so it may or may not coincide with the day. It is very odd. Perhaps they have it figured out in your new country of citizenship? Eh?

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