Fall fashion

As I’ve mentioned before, summer is my favorite season. So fall is kind of a bummer, since it’s the end of summer. This may have something to do with the fact that fall doesn’t really exist in Phoenix, but I think it is mainly because I love the beach and don’t like the cold.

However, I don’t HATE fall. I always looked forward to going back to school, and there are many fall things I love: pumpkin, cranberries, pecan pie, college football, Halloween, changing leaves, tweed. And of course, an excuse to wear coats and boots.

To celebrate the wondrousness of coats and boots, I thought I would try something different: a slide show. Actually, two slide shows.

Some of the boots are pretty expensive (specifically the ones from Anthropologie and J.Crew), but nothing in either of the slide shows is more than $300. Let me know what you think — next time I can use another program or maybe just stick to thumbnails.



I found the photos of the boots at Nordstrom, J. Crew and Anthropologie, but I am quite certain you would be able to purchase at least the Nordstrom ones elsewhere. Coats are from Anthropologie, J. Crew and ModCloth.