• Sweet tea mint julep sorbet

    On a particularly hot day this summer, a girl I know from college posted a Facebook status about her wish for bourbon popsicles. That sounded like a fantastic plan to me. But alcohol has a much lower freezing temperature than water so it won’t freeze in the freezer. And since a mint julep is just […]

  • Sweet tea rice with peaches, jalapeno and pecans

    I know you were probably wondering how the sweet tea fits in with the peach theme of the week. Well, you could make peach iced tea. But I have a better idea: Sweet tea rice with peaches, jalapeno and pecans. You cook the rice with sweet tea instead of water. And you can drink a […]

  • How to make sweet tea

    I’m not Southern. My dad is from Texas and my mom’s from West Virginia, but I was born in Northern California and grew up in Arizona — which is technically in the southern half of the U.S. but is not REALLY the South. The first time I remember hearing someone use the word “Yankee” when […]