• Fab Fave Friday – Beauty

    I’m a total makeup fanatic. It’s kind of a problem, but it came in handy when I first moved to North Carolina and couldn’t find a journalism job… so I got a job at the Estee Lauder counter at Belk. It was awesome. I got free makeup AND got to do makeovers. Now I am […]

  • Bad hair month

    So, I have a lot of hair. The color of that hair varies. When I was little, it was what you might call dirty blond. For the past two years (and for most of high school), it was auburn. Then I decided I wanted it really, really blond. Like Gwyneth on the cover of August […]

  • De-volumizing serum?

    Why is it that there are 100 different products to add volume to your hair, and none to get rid of it? The reason I’m asking is that my hair — which starts out straight and normal-ish each morning — grows to 80s-era Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader size every afternoon. Not exactly what I’m going for. […]