• How to overcome obstacles and crush your goals

    overcoming gym intimidation

    Happy February! I hope you made it through January with all of your resolutions and plans for 2018 intact. But if not, don’t freak out. There’s nothing magical about January 1! If you want to make some kind of change or create a healthy habit in your life, you can start right now. Or tomorrow. […]

  • Resolve to be more colorful

    When I was in high school, I was at my best friend’s house when her mom mentioned that she had gotten a pink dress that she loved… but she was going to return it, because she’d never wear it. I couldn’t figure out what the deal was. She loved the dress, and it looked great on […]

  • Resolve to eat your vegetables

    I recently had lunch with one of my best friends from high school (who I don’t see very much anymore, sadly), and she mentioned that when the book “Deceptively Delicious” — a cookbook for moms who want to hide vegetable puree in their children’s meals — came out, she bought it so she could trick […]

  • Resolve to push yourself

    spartan race

    ****Update 1/14/2015: Congrats to Eric W., winner of this giveaway!**** What have you resolved to do in 2015? I am still working on my list of resolutions, but I know I want to push myself out of my comfort zone (aka my couch) and get healthy and fit this year. One of the best ways I’ve […]

  • Resolutions

    I know, I know. Resolutions are ridiculous, meant to be broken, recipes for failure, right? Well, they don’t have to be. Every year, my dad resolves to give up alcohol for the first quarter of the year. I think it may have started as a month, but it’s grown to several months. He doesn’t even […]