More Super Bowl cookies

Remember the polka-dot helmets? I figured out a way to turn those polka dots into the Steelers logo:

I didn’t take a lot of photos of the frosting and decorating process with these because it was the middle of the night and I wanted to get them done. But basically I just made polka dots of the correct colors, then used a toothpick to drag out the little corners. I also made some quarterbacks…

Not sure if you can tell, but the Ben Roethlisberger cookie is fatter than the Aaron Rodgers cookie. Of course.

Here are a sampling of all of them:

Pay no attention to that psychedelic-looking football. I made normal-looking ones, too.

Anyway, I know the Super Bowl is over, but if you would like to try your hand at cookie decorating, try my sugar cookie recipe, and check out this decorating tutorial before you get started. I used this recipe for decorating icing because it doesn’t call for meringue powder, and it worked pretty well.

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